Call For Papers

Swiss Journal of Research in Business and Social Sciences is an open-access, online, peer reviewed and monthly journal published with the aim to provide an online publishing platform for the academia, business and social sciences researchers, and students to publish their original works. SJRBSS focuses on publishing scholarly articles from the area of Business, Management and Social Sciences domain. Different theoretical and methodological perspectives in the treatment of themes are acceptable as long as they are consistent and relevant. Papers with greater potential for having international impact will be given preference. We understand that this impact can be caused by the theoretical development of papers as well as empirical studies that have national or international amplitude, papers that cover large international organizations, typical national organizations, or also those that consider cross-country comparisons. To be in published in SJRBSS, articles must bring relevant theoretical or empirical contributions.
Topics of interest may include but are not limited to:
- Accounting and Finance
- Marketing
- Advertising and Sales Management
- Public Administration
- Management
- Human Resource Management
- Organizational Behavior
- Business Ethics
- Business Law
- Supply Chain Management
- Total Quality Management
- Production and Operations Management
- New Business Research Techniques
- Insurance and Risk Management
- Sociology
- Psychology
- Religion
- Mass Communication
- Education
- History
- Linguistics
- Anthropology
- Political Science
- Any other topic related to Business and Social Sciences domain.
The following type of research contributions are welcomed and are considered for publication:
- Original Research Articles in the above fields
- Surveys and Opinions related to business and social sciences research
- Few Review Papers will be published if the author has a considerable contribution in that area of business or social sciences.
- Case Studies and Book Reviews related to Business or Social Sciences
Submission of Articles: Authors are invited to submit their research articles, review papers, opinions and surveys, case studies and book reviews properly formatted as per the Authors’ Guide to ad***@sj****.com. There is no such deadline for paper submission as SJRBSS is a monthly journal and authors can submit their manuscript during any time in any given month. The review process may take 10-15 days depending upon the availability of our reviewers.
Publication Fee/ Handling Charges:
Author(s) whose manuscript(s) are accepted for publication in Swiss Journal of Research in Business and Social Sciences are required to pay 120 Euros (exclusive of any service or transfer charges) as a publication fee. Kindly note that ability to pay the publication fee does not necessarily guarantee that the paper will be accepted for publication in SJRBSS because we, at SJRBSS, believe that quality comes first.
To view the author guidelines we have developed for manuscript preparation, kindly visit “Authors’ Guide” Page on our journal’s web page.
Yours Truly,
R. M Shahzad
Chief Editor
Swiss Journal of Research in Business and Social Sciences (SJRBSS)