Publication Fee

Author(s) whose manuscript(s) are accepted for publication in Swiss Journal of Research in Business and Social Sciences are required to pay 120 Euros (exclusive of any service or transfer charges) as a publication fee. Kindly note that ability to pay the publication fee does not necessarily guarantee that the paper will be accepted for publication in SJRBSS because we, at SJRBSS, believe that quality comes first.

You should contact the editor of the journal when your article is accepted for publication in the journal and in return he/she will send you the payment details if the details are not already sent to you with review report of your article.

Preferred mode of Payment is to pay via Bank Transfer in Switzerland.

Please note that an official letter of acceptance with author names and article title will be provided only upon the receipt of your publication fee. We regret to inform you that we are unable to produce official acceptance letters prior to the receipt of your payment. Thank you for your understanding.

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