10 Most Underrated Lord of the Rings Characters, Ranked

Taking place in the richly designed world of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth, Peter Jackson‘s cinematic adaptation of The Lord of the Rings trilogy dropped at life an infinite roster of characters, spanning a number of fantasy races, warring factions, and epic time durations. With such an enormous solid, it is simple for sure widespread characters like Aragorn, Gandalf, and Samwise Gamgee to dominate fan discussions and have extra prominently in most individuals’s reminiscences of the trilogy. But there are various characters whose depth, affect, and total design have been regularly ignored or underrated.



At the coronary heart of The Lord of the Rings trilogy is the profound concept that those that are underestimated might rise to greatness. This theme is exemplified most notably in the pivotal position performed by the Hobbits in the downfall of Sauron. The Dark Lord’s deadly mistake, born from his vanity, was the underestimation of the Hobbits of the Shire. In the identical spirit that allowed the Hobbits to change into celebrated heroes throughout all of Middle Earth, followers may do nicely to reexamine which characters they maintain pricey, and provides some lesser-appreciated characters a re-evaluation.

10 Éomer (Karl Urban)

“My company are those loyal to Rohan, and for that we are banished.”

Éomer, played by Karl Urban, rides on horseback, clad in Rohan armor in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
Image through New Line Cinema

In Peter Jackson’s movie trilogy, Éomer, performed by Karl Urban, is launched as the fiercely loyal nephew of King Théoden of Rohan. A formidable warrior and a pure chief, Éomer is instrumental in the protection of Rohan towards the forces of Saruman and Sauron. In Rohan’s darkest second, when Théoden is caught in the grip of Saruman’s manipulation, Éomer stays loyal to the throne and to his folks, even at the danger of banishment. His triumphant return to help Rohan at the Battle of Helm’s Deep, and his valiant braveness in the cost on the Pelennor Fields show his ethical coronary heart and are highlights of the collection.

Éomer’s underrated standing could also be attributed to his comparatively restricted display screen time in the monumental narrative of the trilogy. However, Urban’s portrayal brings an depth to Éomer that’s typically ignored. Additionally, Éomer’s beautiful leather-based armor, detailed chain mail and complex helmet adorned with a protracted horse-hair plume, was expertly designed by Ngila Dickson and Richard Taylor’s gifted costume staff and is amongst their greatest work on the franchise. Éomer’s character embodies the resilient spirit of Rohan, and his unwavering dedication to his folks and his king highlights a way of responsibility and honor that’s essential to the story’s themes of loyalty, private morality, and the enduring energy of standing up for what is correct in the face of overwhelming odds. Urban’s efficiency, marked by a rugged charisma and emotional resonance, deserves extra recognition for its contribution to the wealthy tapestry of Middle-earth.


The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Release Date
December 18, 2002

179 minutes

9 The Witch King of Angmar (Lawrence Makoare)

“Do not come between the Nazgûl and his prey.”

The Witch King of Angmar, played by actor Lawrence Makoare, raises his flaming sword into the air in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
Image through New Line Cinema

Wounding Frodo on Weathertop in The Fellowship of the Ring, and returning in the later levels of the story to steer Sauron’s siege of Minas Tirith, The Witch King of Angmar is the chief of the Nazgûl. A terrifying and enigmatic determine in Jackson’s trilogy, his chilling presence reverberates off the display screen. In a movie trilogy the place the major antagonist is hidden from view for the total length of the collection, The Lord of the Rings relishes in its secondary villains, gifting viewers members with a devilish cohort of sneering, hulking, terrifying foes. The Witch King stands out for having dealt Frodo his first mortal wound, one which continued to plague him for many years after the battle of the ring, and the Nazgûl Lord’s confrontation with Éowyn and Merry in The Return of the King is one of the movie’s most memorable moments.

The character design right here is actually outstanding; the hole, empty eyes of the horned helmet, coupled with the overlapping pauldrons and absurdly giant mace coalesce right into a horrifying determine with a putting silhouette. The stature of the Witch King was offered by 6 foot 4 actor and stuntman Lawrence Makoare, who had additionally given a menacing and memorable efficiency as the Uruk-hai warrior Lurtz in The Fellowship of the Ring. An unnaturally loud whispering voice, given by Gollum’s Andy Serkis, enriched the character with an unsettling charisma. The Witch King’s presence elevates the stakes of the trilogy’s last act, making him an important but underappreciated half of the narrative.

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8 Arwen (Liv Tyler)

“I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.”

The elf maiden Arwen, played by actor Liv Tyler, looks pensive in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
Image through New Line Cinema

The noble Elven maiden Arwen, portrayed by Liv Tyler, performs a way more distinguished position in Peter Jackson’s movies than in Tolkien’s unique novels. As the daughter of Lord Elrond, and the forbidden love of Aragorn, Arwen finds herself grappling with many themes that are at the very core of the trilogy, reminiscent of the fickle perception in hope for a greater future, the nature of private sacrifice, and the significance of love in occasions of nice evil. Arwen’s scenes, notably the dramatic river confrontation with the Nazgûl in Fellowship of the Ring, and her emotional resolution to forgo her birthright of immortality to remain in Middle-earth with the one she loves, add a energy and depth to her character and emphasize the private prices of the battle towards Sauron.

Tyler’s efficiency imbues Arwen with grace, energy, and a quiet dedication. Dickson and Taylor’s costume work for the elves is magnificent and Arwen’s wardrobe is not any exception. In lesser arms, her character may tackle an almost symbolic nature as an idealized future for Aragorn, however this depiction is difficult in Jackson’s trilogy by focusing extra particularly on her personal inner battle between her familial duties and her love for Aragorn, instilling the narrative with a hopefulness regardless of the rising risks of Mordor. Arwen’s sacrifice not solely underlines the magnificence of her relationship with Aragorn, but additionally suggests a perception in the advantage of discovering one thing to like, regardless of the course of one’s future.

7 Shelob

“All living things were her food, and her vomit darkness.”

Shelob, the horrible large spider who dwells in Cirith Ungol, presents one of the most terrifying obstacles for Frodo and Sam. Her lair, excessive in the mountains surrounding the darkish land of Mordor, is stuffed with spiderwebs and the corpses of her victims, and turns into a harrowing setting for one of the trilogy’s most intense sequences. Shelob’s assault on Frodo challenges Sam’s bravery, and locations the journey to destroy the One Ring in mortal peril, forcing its heroes to in the end select between one another or their mission; a alternative which Sam valiantly takes on.

Shelob, regardless of her nature as a hungry animal, is nonetheless a personality, dropped at life brilliantly in her personal proper. The design of this absolutely digital creature is masterful; Weta Workshop, the particular results home chargeable for the awe-inspiring digital creations that populate the world of Middle Earth, created a creature each horrifying and plausible. The scenes involving Shelob are a testomony to the movie trilogy’s means to mix sensible results with CGI seamlessly, a feat made all the extra spectacular as time goes on, for the particular results in The Lord of the Rings have scarcely aged a day. While Gollum may get all the limelight (maybe rightfully so, for Andy Serkis’s efficiency alone), Shelob stays an unsung hero in the world of digital particular results.

6 Faramir (David Wenham)

“War will make corpses of us all.”

The heroic Gondorian, Faramir, (David Wenham) is the youthful brother of Boromir and the son of the despotic Denethor, Steward of Gondor. Introduced in The Two Towers, Faramir initially seems as a personality who may danger repeating his brother’s errors by succumbing to the temptations of darkness and taking the One Ring for himself. However, he in the end exhibits his energy and knowledge by resisting the ring’s temptation and aiding Frodo and Sam of their journey to destroy it.

Faramir’s underrated standing could also be partly as a consequence of important adjustments made to his character in the movies, which diverge from the guide’s portrayal. In Tolkein’s work, Faramir is a righteous and infallible man from the second of his introduction, by no means as soon as betraying any form of temptation in the direction of the ring. But Jackson’s trilogy arguably improves upon the character by giving him one of the most susceptible and relatable character arcs in the complete of the trilogy; by highlighting Faramir’s emotions of inadequacy in the shadow of his brother, his final resolution to permit Frodo and Sam to ferry the Ring to its inevitable destruction is made all the extra highly effective. Wenham’s efficiency brings a quiet dignity and depth to Faramir, capturing his inner battle and his want for his father’s approval.

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5 Meriadoc Brandybuck (Dominic Monaghan)

“All that was once great and good in this world will be gone. There won’t be a Shire, Pippin.”

Merry Brandybuck, portrayed with pleasant zeal by Dominic Monaghan, is one of the 4 Hobbits who embarks on the quest to destroy the One Ring. Despite being a key member of the Fellowship, Merry is commonly overshadowed by his fellow Hobbits, particularly Frodo and Sam. However, Merry’s character arc, from a playful and carefree Hobbit to a courageous and idealistic fighter, is one of the most compelling in the trilogy, made all the simpler by his standing as the default comedic aid for a lot of the trilogy, alongside along with his greatest pal Pippin.

Merry, upon his introduction, is a mischievous and considerably naive Hobbit, and his journey throughout Middle Earth presents him with challenges that upend his worldview, instilling in him a want to combat for the good of all Middle Earth. Monaghan’s efficiency brings an exquisite depth to Merry, by no means sacrificing his boyish attraction, whereas broadening his conceptions of what it means to face up for what he believes in, in addition to warning towards the risks of complacency in the face of evil. His friendship with Pippin and his bond with Rohan’s King Théoden spotlight his means to forge significant relationships, whereas his impassioned plea to Treebeard and the Ents showcases his progress as a real believer. Merry’s position in the Battle of Pelennor Fields, wherein he helps to slay the Witch King of Angmar, is a testomony to his bravery and his contribution to the Fellowship’s final victory towards Sauron.

4 Peregrin Took (Billy Boyd)

“We have no songs for great halls and evil times.”

Pippin Took, performed by Billy Boyd, is one other Hobbit whose significance is commonly ignored, particularly as he inhabits a way more comedic position in the first two movies. Initially portrayed as the most carefree and curious of the Hobbits, Pippin’s journey unfolds as he turns into more and more conscious of the gravity of their quest and his personal position in the bigger battle. The improvement of his friendship with Gandalf and his timeless loyalty to his pals solidifies Pippin as amongst the bravest of the Fellowship.

Billy Boyd’s efficiency brilliantly captures Pippin’s evolution, showcasing his comedic chops early in the trilogy, and effortlessly transitioning into moments of shattering worry, doubt, and eventual braveness. Pippin’s progress culminates in two of the biggest scenes in the final chapter of the Trilogy, Return of the King, in the first of which he regales the Steward Denethor with a mournful tune, all whereas the mad despot feasts gluttonously. The second scene happens as all hope seems to be misplaced in the siege on Minas Tirith, wherein the lovable younger Hobbit breaks down in tears, talking with Gandalf about the nature of mortality, and the advantage of shedding one’s life in a battle price combating.

3 Sauron

“Build me an army worthy of Mordor.”

The Dark Lord Sauron, wearing the One Ring, reaches menacingly towards the camera in the prologue of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
Image through New Line Cinema

Sauron, the Dark Lord of Mordor, is the major antagonist of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. As a character, not a lot may be mentioned of him (though the prequel collection Rings of Power makes a valiant effort to show him right into a residing respiratory character in his personal proper). However, the ever-present nature of his oppressive energy and the unimaginable design of his imposing armor make him a formidable villain, and a horrible specter of Middle Earth’s doom. Despite his absence from a lot of the bodily motion, Sauron’s presence looms giant over the total narrative, driving the quest to destroy the One Ring and uniting the forces of Middle-earth towards him.

Sauron is exclusive amongst film villains for his nature as a distant and nearly summary evil power, that means that he lacks the display screen time and private interactions that always serve to humanize different characters. This summary method to the character’s evil nature is exactly what makes him fascinating, as his malevolent energy can then be attributed to points of the world of Middle Earth and whole areas of the map as a complete, from the corrupted landscapes of Mordor to the psychological toll that the energy of the One Ring takes on characters like Frodo, Sam and Boromir. The breathtaking design of Sauron’s fiery eye and the symbolism related to it add an entirely distinctive dimension to what may in any other case be an impotent character.

2 Gimli (John Rhys-Davies)

“Let them come. There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath.”

Gimli, the brash, assured, stalwart Dwarf warrior, is a strong ally in the quest to destroy the Ring all through the trilogy, but he’s typically overshadowed by the extra historically heroic members of the Fellowship, reminiscent of Aragorn and Legolas, whose stoic masculinity and reserved personalities give them a suggestion of inside complexity and quiet depth. Gimli’s character is outlined by his loyalty, braveness, and outspoken humor, making him a lovable determine who wears his coronary heart on his sleeve.

John Rhys-Davies’s efficiency brings Gimli to life with a tactful wit, gruff demeanor, and moments of insightful vulnerability which underscore his relationships to nice impact. Gimli’s friendship with Legolas and his unwavering dedication in battle, particularly throughout the protection of Helm’s Deep and the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, grant him a relatable edge distinctive amongst the non-Hobbit members of the fellowship. The tragedy of Gimli’s backstory, regarding the loss of many of his relations in the cataclysmic decimation of the Mines of Moria, give him a depth and honorable braveness which stays true from the second he’s launched by means of to the very finish of the trilogy.

1 Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood)

“I will take it. I will take the ring to Mordor. Though I do not know the way.”

Battered and bruised, the exhausted young Hobbit Frodo Baggins, played by actor Elijah Wood, stands on the precipice of Mount Doom, preparing to cast the One Ring into the fire in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
Image through New Line Cinema

Frodo Baggins, portrayed by Elijah Wood, is the central character of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. His character arc is a very highly effective one: at the outset, Frodo is a younger Hobbit, content material to stay in the Shire removed from any conflicts occurring in the eastward components of Middle Earth. But by the finish of the trilogy, he’s a courageous and altruistic soldier, combating for his life at the coronary heart of an unfair and unyielding battle. The injustices of violence upon the lives of the harmless are embodied in Frodo, as he’s by no means once more in a position to return to the life of consolation he as soon as led. The toll that battle takes on those that least deserve it’s doubtlessly the most necessary theme at the core of Tolkien’s masterwork.

Despite his central nature as the important protagonist, Frodo’s heroism is regularly undercut by followers of the collection, typically in favor of elevating the heroic acts of Samwise Gamgee (a personality whose bravery ought to likewise not be ignored). Yet Frodo’s inner battle and his quiet dedication to his perilous activity are extremely admirable, particularly when in comparison with the epic battles and shows of energy by different characters. Wood’s efficiency captures the overwhelming terror of Frodo’s psychological turmoil, in addition to the heartbreaking tenderness of his friendship with Sam. His moments of abject despair, and the final sacrifice of his innocence in the title of battle are actually at the coronary heart of the trilogy.


The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Release Date
December 14, 2012

Martin Freeman , Ian McKellen , Richard Armitage , Ken Stott , Cate Blanchett , Ian Holm , Christopher Lee , Hugo Weaving , James Nesbitt , Elijah Wood , Andy Serkis

169 minutes

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